Earned an HRC Started leg.
Earned the WC.
Earned the UWC.
Earned the BN with First, Third and Fourth place.
Earned the RN, with First & Third place.


Earned NAHRA Started title.
Earned his second HRC Started leg.
Earned U-CD with Fourth, Second and First place.
Earned U-SPOT-ON.
Earned CGC.
Earned CGCA.
Earned two ASCA CD legs with HIT on both.


* Earned ASCA RN with 2 Firsts & High Other Breeds, and one Fourth.
* Finished ASCA CD with First & Second, High Other Breed & High in Trial.
* Earned an HRC Started leg.
* Earned RA all with perfect scores & First place.
* Earned RE with two First places.
* Earned CD with 3 First places, & two High in Trials.
* Earned two ASCA CDX legs with Second and Third.
* Earned an ASCA RA leg with First.
* Earned TKN, TKI and TKA.
* Earned CDX winning a runoff for Third place.
* Earned WCX.
* Earned UD with Third & two First places.
* Won a High Combined.
* Earned two UDX legs.
* Won two OTCh points.
* Won four High in Trials.
* Qualified for the 2018 Obedience Invitational.
* Earned JH.
* Won seven Ch points including a major.


* Won 38 more OTCh points.
* Qualified for the 2019 Obedience Invitational.
* Won three High in Trials.
* Finished Ch with two more majors.
* Won five High Combineds.
* Finished the OM1 & OM2.
* Earned CA title.
* Finished HRC Started title.
* Earned WCQ.
* Finished ASCA RAX with two High Other Breed wins.
* Finished UDX.
* Earned UKC Ch with two Group 2s & a Gr 3
* Earned a Senior Hunter leg.
* Earned a NAHRA WR leg.


* Won 36 more OTCh points.
* Finished ASCA CDX with Hi Other Breed.
* Earned two ASCA UD legs both with First place, and a High in Trial.
* Earned two more Senior Hunter legs.
* Qualified for the 2020 Obedience Invitational.
* Earned Mex, PanAm and FCI Chs with three Group placements.
* Earned HRC HR.
* Won 2 High In Trials.
* Won 3 High Combineds.
* Won BOS in Gun Dog Sweeps at the National
* Earned three Dock Diving legs.
* Finished OM4.
* Finished UDX2.
* Earned another NAHRA WR leg.
* Earned OM3


* Finished OTCh.
* Earned OM4, OM5 & OM6
* Won four High in Trials
* Won two High Combined
* Finished UDX3
* Finished ASCA UD
* Qualified for the 2021 Obedience Invitational.


* Finished SH
* Earned two more OTCh points
* Earned OM7
* Qualified for the 2022 Obedience Invitational.


* Earned 9 OTCh points.
* Finished OM8
* Won three more HITs and 3 more HCs
* Finished UDX4.
* Earned 20 ASCA OTCh pts.
* Won an Award of Merit at the NCCCRC specialty.
* Qualified for the 2023 Obedience Invitational.


* Finished OM9.
* Earned OGM.
* Won 64 more OTCh2 points.
* Earned 43.5 more ASCA OTCh points.
* Earned UDX5.
* Earned nine UDX6 legs.
* Won eleven more High in Trials.
* Won eight more High Combineds.
* Qualified for the 2024 Obedience Invitational.
* Won a GCh major.


* Finished OTCh2 with High Combined.
* Finished UDX6.
* Earned UDX7 leg.
* Earned 2 U-CDX legs.
* Finished ASCA OTCh
* Finished VER with First place
* Earned Preferred Open title, all legs with First.
* Earned six Rally Master legs.
* Earned BCAT
* Earned DJ
* Won two HIT
* Earned two ASCA RE legs with Third and HIT


* Earned another RM leg.
* Finished ASCA REX and earned insurance leg with First, HIT and High Other Breed.
* Finished U-CDX with First due to being the only one.