
It looks like we may have puppies in late spring 2025, out of Charwin Hematites Faithful Journey, BN, RN. Journey is major pointed, sired by Ch, Mex/PanAm/FCI/U-Ch, ASCA OTCh, OTCh2 Charwin Outside The Lines,UDX6, OGM, BN, PCDX, VER, RE, TKA, ASCA UD & REX, U-CD, CA, WCQ, UWC, SH, SR, HR, CGCA, SPOT-ON, and littersister to Charwin Hillbilly Rockstar, CD, BN, RE, ASCA BN & RA, WCX, UWC, Ch Charwin Home Run and major pointed Charwin Huge Explosion at Bravo. Journey has had her eyes and heart OFA cleared, her hips are OFA Excellent, and she is GSD & PRA clear, carries for EIC.

Sire will be SHR Daybreak Shenanigans, WC pending me getting a look at him. His hips are OFA excellent, eyes and heart OFA cleared, and he is EIC & GSD clear, a PRA carrier. Thor is a personal hunting dog from a line that specializes in field dogs. He is a litterbrother to Daybreak Resplendent At Maresante RN, FCAT3, Ch Daybreak Gullyfluff, RN, JH and HRCH, MHR, MUR, Daybreak Flibbertigibbet, SH, WCQ

Pedigree of potential litter is here. This will be a linebreeding on some of the best field dogs in the US, and puppies will all be black. They will be fully guaranteed.



Check the breeders list on the website of the national Curly club here.
